Monday 24 February 17:30 - 19:30
A chance for tenants to get together and discuss and share their own countries/cultures. A facilitator will help to get all tenants involved. The discussion and ideas here will shape the creation of the calendar. This will be a fun/interactive session. Contact Mandy: 07580397053 / or Tom: 07485396526 /
Wednesday 26 February 17:30 - 19:30
This session will take ideas from the previous workshop and give tenants the opportunity to create images for the calendar on an iPad, celebrating the cultures within the group. Each culture/country will get their own page in the calendar. The calendars will be produced and distributed to all tenants within Dungannon. Contact Mandy: 07580397053 / or Tom: 07485396526 /
Date to be arranged
Tower Room, Ranfurly HouseAll tenants invited to a celebration event at Hill of O'Neill with traditional Irish entertainment and food. Contact Mandy: 07580397053 / or Tom: 07485396526 /