All our housing is allocated through the Housing Executive’s Common Selection Scheme. You can usually apply for housing if you are over 18 years old and have a connection to Northern Ireland. To apply, you need to complete an Application Form which you can obtain from any Housing Executive district office, our own offices, or you can download a copy HERE. You can also call the Housing Executive on 0344 892 0900.
There are guidance notes contained in the form.
Once your completed form has been received by the Housing Executive, you will be assessed for eligibility. The Selection Scheme is a points system based on your circumstances and housing needs. It’s important to notify the Housing Executive of any changes in circumstances after you’ve submitted your form as this may have an impact on your application.
Members of our Homes & Communities Team have access to the Housing Executive’s system and will target any vacancies we may have to those on the waiting list, by order of priority. If you are offered housing with us and accept the offer, you will then complete a sign-up for tenancy. Please note that under new guidelines introduced to help combat tenancy fraud, you will be required to have your photograph taken at the time of signing for your tenancy.
If you are already a Woven tenant and wish to transfer from your current accommodation, you can use the same Application Form as above. As with a first-time application, there will be an assessment of your housing needs and if you are eligible, you will be placed on the list for your preferred areas of accommodation and landlords of choice.
If you think you are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless you should contact the Housing Executive as soon as possible on the number given above.
For further information on the Common Selection Scheme, you can access/download a copy of the Housing Executive’s guide to the scheme HERE.