Your eligibility for housing in Northern Ireland and your housing needs will be assessed in the same way as any other applicant. However as the Housing Executive cannot carry out a visit, you will need to complete the Housing Transfer application and Self Assessment form.
Please view our How to Apply for Housing page.
The Statutory House Sales Scheme for Housing Associations in Northern Ireland closed in 2022. This reflects the Housing (Amendment) Act (Northern Ireland) 2020 passed by the Northern Ireland Assembly on 30 June 2020 and given Royal Assent on 28 August 2020.The scheme is now permanently and completely closed for Housing Associations and no new applications can be made to the House Sales Scheme.
All tenants who wish to keep a pet should request written permission from their housing officer.
If Woven receives a complaint about your pet you may be in breach of your tenancy agreement.
Yes. As a tenant of a housing association you can swap home with another tenant either of the same association, another housing association, or NIHE, a local authority or council.
Your Housing Officer will consider the request and carry out an inspection of your tenancy before liaising with the other landlord to consider the request. Requests would normally be approved unless your Housing Officer has good reason not to do so. For example, a request that would lead to a home being overcrowded would not be approved.
You can also advertise online at
We send rent statements to all tenants every six months, you can also request a statement at any time by contacting your Housing Officer. Telephone our offices on 028 9042 7211 (Holywood office) or 028 7136 0015 (North West office). To get in touch and request a statement to be sent to you - Click Here
You will usually be able to apply for housing if you are over 18 and have local connection to Northern Ireland. Habinteg allocates all its permanent housing from the Common Selection Scheme, devised by the Department for Communities (DfC). For detailed information regarding this process, you should download the booklet - Housing Selection Scheme.
To register on the waiting list for housing, you can call the Northern Ireland Housing Executive (NIHE) on 03448 920 900 and complete an application over the telephone. You can also download an application form - HERE - complete and return to your local NIHE Office (find your nearest office -HERE). You will be contacted to complete an assessment.
The single application form means that your application will be considered by all social landlords in your preferred areas of choice. It will also allow you to apply for sheltered housing and specialised accommodation.
If you think you are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless you should contact the NIHE as soon as possible on the number given above. Homelessness is dealt with through the NIHE Area Offices or, in the case of Belfast, through the NIHE dedicated Homelessness Services Unit.
You must give 4 weeks notice in writing.
You can download a Termination of Tenancy from HERE. Print, complete and return to our offices or attach to an email and send to (please make sure you include your forwarding address and date of termination).
When a tenant chooses to leave a property, members of our Team will visit to highlight the condition in which we expect the property to be returned. Properties during change of tenancy are subject to strict Letting Standards. Please note when leaving a property, tenants will be asked to rectify issues with the property or be liable to face charges where Lettings Standards are not met.
There are several ways of paying rent:
For full details see Ways to Pay Your Rent
Rent is charged on a weekly basis. You can pay weekly, fortnightly or monthly. All monthly payments must be made in advance,( multiply your weekly rent by 4.35 to get the correct monthly rent ).
There are a range of ways to pay your rent - see Ways to Pay your Rent for more information.
If you are experiencing difficulties paying your rent you should contact your Housing Officer straight away. Your Housing Officer can advise you on how to manage your debt by explaining how you can:
• make an affordable weekly agreement to clear the rent arrears;
• change your payment method e.g. set up a direct debit;
• apply for Housing Benefit or Rate Relief;
• be referred to the Housing Rights Service, Tenant Debt Advice Service for specialist help.
Under no circumstances should you ignore any rent arrears letters as this could ultimately lead to legal action.
Woven has a dedicated team of Housing Officers and if the Officer for your area is not available any of the remaining Housing Officers can provide you with advice and assistance.
The simplest way is to complete a Report a Repair form HEREYou can also contact us by telephone or in writing, e-mail or call to your Community Assistant (where applicable). Give details of the nature of the repair and when access will be available for the repair to be undertaken. Depending on the nature of the repair an inspection may be required before the repair is undertaken.Please ensure that you check the Repair Liability section of our site - HERE. If a repair is carried out and it is found to be your own responsibility, you may be charged for cost of the work.For ‘out of hours’ EMERGENCIES: Radius Connect 24 FREEPHONE 0800 7313081.
If you have need to contact the Fire Service, or water, gas or electricity services, you must advise the Association as soon as possible.
In emergency requiring police, fire and rescue, ambulance, marine and coastal emergency or mountain rescue dial 999
For additional out of hours emergencies, call:
Crimestoppers - 0800 555 111
Health Information Service- medical / dental emergencies - 0800 665 544
Planning Service - 028 9025 2800
NIE - faults / supply - 0845 7643 643
Gas (Phoenix and Firmus) - 0800 002 001
Department for Regional Development - street lighting - 028 9025 3051
Flooding Serious Flooding - 0300 2000 100
Northern Ireland Water Leakline - mains water supply - 0800 282 2011
Northern Ireland Water Waterline Flooding - 0845 744 0088
Rivers Agency - Flooding from rivers -028 9260 6100