The full Equality Screening document for each of the following policies and/or procedures is available on request from our offices. Please mark your request for the attention of the Quality and Performance Manager.
The aim of this policy and procedure is to give employees, irrespective of their employment status, the opportunity to improve their conduct or performance. It identifies who has authority to take disciplinary action. It also outlines the type of offence which would result in disciplinary action being taken, what that action would be and what further action would result if there is no improvement or a recurrence takes place. Date of Screening: 02.11.2022 Screened by: QPM Screening Outcome: Screened OutReason for Outcome: No adverse impact was found with regard to equality of opportunity and/or good relations for people within both the equality and good relations categories.
The primary purpose of this Policy and Procedure is to enable any employees of Habinteg to air concerns that they may have about practices, policies or the treatment of or by other individuals at work, and to produce a speedy resolution where genuine problems exist. The associated Grievance Procedure is designed to help all employees take the appropriate action, when they are experiencing difficulties, in an atmosphere of trust.Date of Screening: 02.11.2022 Screened by: QPM Screening Outcome: Screened OutReason for Outcome: No adverse impact was found with regard to equality of opportunity and/or good relations for people within both the equality and good relations categories.
Accompanying the Annual and Special Leave Policy the Annual and Special Leave Procedure provides specific guidance in relation to annual leave and discretionary special leave to deal with family related emergencies or to undertake duties such as attendance at jury service. The Annual and Special Leave Policy and Procedure applies to all employees of Habinteg. Annual leave entitlement is a contractual element however the policy is not intended to form part of the contract of employment and therefore the procedures may be amended following appropriate consultation. Date of Screening: 11.08.2022 Screened by: QPM Screening Outcome: Screened OutReason for Outcome: No adverse impact was found with regard to equality of opportunity and/or good relations for people within both the equality and good relations categories.
The main purpose of this Policy and Procedure is to provide a more flexible system of attendance for employees. This gives employees considerable scope to vary their times of arrival and departure from work, to vary the length and timing of their lunch break and to take time off if they work extra hours, thus improving individual employee’s work/home balance and quality of life. This is a voluntary policy i.e. not compulsory policy adopted by the Association.Date of Screening: 10.08.2022 Screened by: QPM Screening Outcome: Screened OutReason for Outcome: No adverse impact was found with regard to equality of opportunity and/or good relations for people within both the equality and good relations categories.
The Code is based on the Nolan Principles on Standards of Public Life which are recognised as defining good conduct for those who work for the public using public money. The Code is not exhaustive and all employees and representatives of Habinteg are responsible for ensuring that their conduct at all times meets the high standards that are expected.Date of Screening: 08.06.2022 Screened by: QPM Screening Outcome: Screened OutReason for Outcome: No adverse impact was found with regard to equality of opportunity and/or good relations for people within both the equality and good relations categories.
The objective of this Policy is to outline Habinteg’s requirements from all employees to present themselves in a professional manner, at all times when representing the Association, with respect to clothing, personal hygiene and appearance.Date of Screening: 08.06.2022 Screened by: QPM Screening Outcome: Screened OutReason for Outcome: No adverse impact was found with regard to equality of opportunity and/or good relations for people within both the equality and good relations categories.
This policy is intended to provide advice to Habinteg employees, who, in the course of their normal work or as a result of their employment with, or activities in relation to the Association, either receive offers of gifts and hospitality or provide gifts and hospitality to others on behalf of the Association.Date of Screening: 08.06.2022 Screened by: QPM Screening Outcome: Screened OutReason for Outcome: No adverse impact was found with regard to equality of opportunity and/or good relations for people within both the equality and good relations categories.
The objective of this Policy is to outline our commitment to provide an exemplary and accessible customer service that all our customers can use and benefit from in a manner that respects their dignity and independence and promotes equal opportunity and choice.Date of Screening: 08.06.2022 Screened by: QPM Screening Outcome: Screened OutReason for Outcome: No adverse impact was found with regard to equality of opportunity and/or good relations for people within both the equality and good relations categories.
The objectives of the Policy Statement are to set out the responsibilities of all employees regarding the prevention of fraud and the action to be taken where a fraud is suspected or detected. It also provides a high-level framework for the development, throughout the Association, of policies and measures to counter fraud.The objectives of Response Plan are to provide guidance on the action to be taken when a fraud is suspected or discovered. It covers among other things, to whom the fraud will be reported, responsibilities for actions, who will investigate the incident and how employees under suspicion will be dealt with.Date of Screening: 08.06.2022 Screened by: QPM Screening Outcome: Screened OutReason for Outcome: No adverse impact was found with regard to equality of opportunity and/or good relations for people within both the equality and good relations categories.
The aims of Habinteg’s remuneration policy are to ensure the Association can attract and retain employees with the skills necessary to deliver quality services to our customers and to achieve fairness, objectivity and transparency in the setting of remuneration levels.Date of Screening: 28.04.2022 Screened by: QPM Screening Outcome: Screened OutReason for Outcome: No adverse impact was found with regard to equality of opportunity and/or good relations for people within both the equality and good relations categories.
The purpose of this policy is to set out how Habinteg intends to allocate contribution bands to employees who are NILGOSC (Northern Ireland Local Government Officers Superannuation Scheme) members. The policy also sets out how Habinteg intends to reassess and reallocate contribution bandings as well as provide details on how an employee can appeal a decision regarding their banding.Date of Screening: 28.04.2022 Screened by: QPM Screening Outcome: Screened OutReason for Outcome: No adverse impact was found with regard to equality of opportunity and/or good relations for people within both the equality and good relations categories.
The purpose of this Policy is to encourage employees to participate in Habinteg related events to help develop stronger working relationships and increase collaboration with stakeholders and to confirm Habinteg’s commitment to employees who wish to volunteer and offer their time and support Habinteg or Habinteg sponsored events. Date of Screening: 28.04.2022 Screened by: QPM Screening Outcome: Screened Out Reason for Outcome: No adverse impact was found with regard to equality of opportunity and/or good relations for people within both the equality and good relations categories.
The objective of this policy is to define the rules for users on the appropriate use of Habinteg’s IT resources and outline how Habinteg will respond to any potential breaches of these rules.Date of Screening: 06.04.2022 Screened by: QPM Screening Outcome: Screened OutReason for Outcome: No adverse impact was found with regard to equality of opportunity and/or good relations for people within both the equality and good relations categories.
IT Security PolicyThe objectives of this Policy are to ensure the confidentiality, privacy and protection for the integrity of the Association’s information and to ensure the availability of this data.Date of Screening: 06.04.2022 Screened by: QPM Screening Outcome: Screened OutReason for Outcome: No adverse impact was found with regard to equality of opportunity and/or good relations for people within both the equality and good relations categories.