Woven has 6 shortlisted entries across 5 categories for top awards
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This event brings tenants together for a variety of workshops and presentations. Tenants from our schemes across Northern Ireland have the opportunity to meet with staff and representatives from partner organisations for group sessions and workshops, and there is lunch and entertainment too.
11:30 Arrival – Tea & Scones
12:00 Welcome – Margaret McLaughlin
12:05 Guest Address
12.15 Woven Update - Judith McNamee
12:30 Launch of Gardening competition - Tom Cummings
12:40 Workshops 1 & 2
13:20 Environmental Quiz
13:30 Lunch & Entertainment – Ritchie Remo
14:30 Close
Last year's inaugural event was extremely well received, with tremendous feedback from tenants and we are hoping you can join us again this year.
To book your place at the conference or to find out about engagement activities, please contact our Community Involvement officers: Email Deirdre , Philip or Tom or call 07485 396526 / 07817 057846 / 07485 396524